The Flagship
Hotel Emma, just steps across Brewmeister’s Alley from Cellars, may become an extension of your household with world-class boutique hotel services and hospitality. Guestrooms, dining, drinks, a 3,700-volume library and a gourmet grocery.
Larder Fine Groceries
Another perk for Cellars residents. Tucked away in the old fermenting cellars, Larder at Hotel Emma carries local groceries, fine provisions, wine, beer, baked goods, flowers, house-butchered meats and freshly-prepared foods to eat in or take out. Cellars residents enjoy an exclusive 10% discount at the time of purchase.
Dining, Celebrating, Shopping
Hotel Emma’s restaurant, Supper, has earned culinary kudos near and far, and we can’t recommend it highly enough. We also recommend reservations, which the Cellars Concierge will be happy to make for you. Sternewirth’s hand-crafted cocktails make every evening a celebration, and Larder’s fine groceries, cold drinks and casual salads and sandwiches may inspire a picnic on the river. And browse Curio for unique gifts, clothing, toiletries and more.